November 18, 2022

Enhancing Group Work: Challenges, Opportunities and Best Practice

HAQEF will host a series of online seminars, which will explore Group Work management and experience, considering the challenges, the opportunities and best practice from faculty, student, and Quality Assurance perspectives.

The three seminars will include presentations and discussions by learners and representatives from a number of HECA Colleges.

Seminar Series Goals

  1. Provide delegates with an overview of quality assurance considerations in the design and deployment of group work assessments
  2. Provide delegates with insights into the experience of managing group work and strategies of responding to challenges.
  3. Give space for the learner voice and experience to reflect on their experience in group work activities and the challenges and opportunities they encounter within this assessment strategy.
  4. Explore the challenges and opportunities of diverse classroom groups in group management and success.
  5. Consider the best forms of group work for different contexts.

2. 16th February 2023 (1pm) - Student Perspectives: Division of Labour or Laborious Divisions.

On 16th February 2023, the second session took place in the form of a round table Q&A with a panel of learners from multiple HECA colleges. They discussed their experiences with group work, including challenges, positives, successes, and failures. View the recording here.

3. April 20th, 2023 - UDL and Better Group Work.

The final session was held over lunchtime on Thursday 20th April, and involved a presentation by AHEAD on Exploring Inclusive Practice in Group Work, sharing ideas for the inclusive design of group activities (drawing from universal design for learning practices), and exploring the experiences of students with disabilities in these settings, and concluded with a summative and reflective presentation on the series' learnings by the HAQEF team. View the recording here.

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