November 12, 2020

Professional Development Colloquium

The Higher Education Colleges Association Academic Quality Enhancement Forum (HAQEF) is hosted a one-day colloquium on Professional Development in Higher Education on Wednesday 30 October, 2019.

In the following resource, we provide an overview of the PD Framework, trace HAQEF’s development in understanding the framework and its institutional implications, describe the planning process underpinning the Colloquium, and provide templates in appendices that could be adapted for future use.

Applying the National Professional Development Framework in Higher Education Institutions: A Case study insight from the HECA's Academic Quality Enhancement Forum's Colloquium on Professional Development

Colloquium Objective

The overall aim of the colloquium was to facilitate conversations around professional development (PD) across all staff who teach (per PD Framework definition) in HECA colleges. 

It was intended that staff would leave the colloquium with a better understanding of what Professional Development was, what it means to them as an individual and where it fits in the context of their institution.

Colloquium Aims

The overall aims of the colloquium are to:

  1. Facilitate discussions around PD that represent the diverse staff roles within HECA colleges (i.e. academics, support staff, senior management).
  2. Discuss the role of PD in staff wellness.
  3. Identify enabling factors and barriers to participating in PD from multiple staff perspectives 
  4. Discuss and apply learnings from the colloquium in the institution specific contexts

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this colloquium participants will be able to:

  1. Understand Professional Development at an individual level and in relation to their specific staff role in a community of practice.
  2. Understand the relationship between PD and staff wellness and identify strategies to promote wellness in PD planning.
  3. Identify enabling factors and barriers that impact their individual participation in PD.
  4. Identify enabling factors and barriers that impact institutional approaches to PD.
  5. To discuss and apply learnings from the colloquium within their institution.
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