October 28, 2020

Building Trust in Online Teaching and Learning

HECA Academic Quality Enhancement Forum (HAQEF) hosted a National Forum seminar Thursday 8th October, 2020 on “Building Trust in Online Teaching and Learning”.

The overall aim of the seminar was to bring experts across ethics, QA, assessment and student partnership together to discuss trust-building in an online learning environment with the benefit of diverse perspectives. During this session, participants explored matters relating to trust in the online learning environment with an emphasis on Quality Assurance, academic integrity, assessment and student partnership.

Academic Integrity - The National Regulatory Context, Dr Deirdre Stritch, QQI

Ethics and Integrity in the Online World, Dr Siobhan Doyle, SNMC

Promoting Academic Integrity through Assessment Design, Dr Fiona O'Riordan, DCU

Student Partnership, Oisin Hassan, NStEP

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