October 6, 2021

The Challenge of Unintentional Academic Impropriety in a Global HE World

HAQEF will host a series of online seminars with support from the National Forum’s seminar series 21/22 funding. These seminars will explore academic integrity through a framework of understanding, preventing, and empowering learners to prevent unintentional academic impropriety.

The four seminars will include presentations and discussions by learners and representatives from a number of HECA Colleges, around reframing academic integrity perspectives, responding to unintentional academic impropriety, and the challenges of academic impoverishment from an international learning environment.

Learning outcomes

  1. Empower delegates to understand the difference between unintentional and intentional academic impropriety and some of the newer and more complex challenges to academic integrity in the 21st century such as essay mills and fake news.
  2. Provide delegates with an overview of institutional initiatives and pedagogical approaches to preventing unintentional academic impropriety.
  3. Provide delegates with an understanding of how staff across academic institutions can work in partnership with students to prevent unintentional academic impropriety.
  4. Explore how educating students about unintentional academic impropriety can inform student transition, teaching and learning, student success and information literacy initiatives.
  5. Explore how universal design initiatives can promote student engagement with academic integrity policies.

Session Summary and links to register:

Dr Sarah Eaton's slides are available for download here:  http://hdl.handle.net/1880/114413

HECA is a member of the National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN).

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